Wordle is a simple game: You need to guess a 5-letter hidden word in 6 tries. To get started,
enter a word on the first line. The letters will change their colors to match the target word:
- If the letter is in the correct position, it will be highlighted in green
- If it's present in the word, but it's in the wrong spot, it will be highlighted in yellow
- If the letter is not in the word, it will be highlighted in gray
Wordle is a simple yet addictive game that has captivated millions of people around the world.
Whether you're a word enthusiast or just looking for a fun and challenging game, Wordle is worth
giving a try.
Can you guess the word in 6 tries?
Sound Effects Credits
The sound effects used on the game come from multiple parties. The credits and respective
licenses are listed below:
This game is a property of Lofi and Games. All code and assets are protected and must not be
redistributed or used without prior permission.